Light for your Future, Germany, 27th April 2023

The 2nd German Tech4Kids event took place on 27th April 2023 at LAK facilities in Hannover. The German event entitled “Zukunftstag am LZH”, meaning "Light for your Future” enabled a group of youngsters to work with laser optics, to see live 3D printing, to get to know about different professions at LZH and learned on the usage of laser on the moon or in the garden.

SAM roll-up, SAM the beaver quiz, SAM poster for children and SAM video of printing the beaver were used during a dedicated session, supported by Ilka Zajons and Yvonne Johannsen from LAK, which presented the basis principle of 3D printing and encouraged participants to produce their own 3D printing parts by using modelling clay / dough. Then, they compared their model with the picture of a 3D printed pyramid and discussed the results achieved.