IAMQS presented in Tunes, Tunisia, 30th and 31st May 2023

Following SAM activities to encourage the use of AM technology in Tunisia, in line with the international qualifications system to be implemented in several European countries, a national round table was held to promote training in technological areas.

European Federation for Welding, Joining And Cutting (EWF), as partner of other ERASMUS+ funded project SMTMC focused in development of a South Mediterranean Tunisian Maintenance Centre of Excellence , seize the opportunity to analyse the possibilities of including AM as one of the enabling technologies addressed by the future Center of Excellence. The event took place in person at the Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie de Tunis, in a join event with SMTMC project Meeting.

The main conclusion of the event were the following:
• AM is not yet a widespread technology in Tunisia and is only implemented in universities and some technical centres.
• Some universities and technical centres are already implementing AM mainly material extrusion and Vat photopolymerization processes;
• There are universities implementing theoretical modules on AM, but to increase the offer in terms of training in Tunisia more access to machines is needed, which is a challenge considering the acquisition costs of the AM machines.
• Teachers, trainers and trainees are very interested in more training on AM and are eager to participate in more training sessions;

For the future, it is very important to start disseminating AM in Tunisia by organising more awareness-raising events, open to the public. Alongside these awareness raising events, basic training on AM is also important to prepare people for full qualifications and improve skills and knowledge. EWF will work closely with SMTMC partners to try to implement IAMQS in Tunisia in the near future.